The People Behind Papersmiths

We are so glad that you enjoyed meeting Edie! Your kind words made her day. 

We have the pleasure to introduce you to Papersmith and self-proclaimed perfectionist, Emily.



What do you do when you are not selling stationery?

I'm a recent graduate, so I am trying to figure out what to do with my life. My boyfriend Tim and I want to set up our own business selling our creations of furniture, vintage bikes, and speciality coffee.
What is your favourite writing utensil?

I'm pretty indecisive, but I think it has to be a classic ballpoint pen, currently I am in love with our Brass Midori Ballpoint

What is your favourite memory involving stationery?

The hours of fun my sister and I spent with colouring books as children - we're still children in our 20s right? 

What is your favourite magazine?

Again, this changes regularly, but I always have the current issue of Kinfolk, so I would say that is my consistent favourite.

Describe your favourite dog that walks by the shop.

It has to be the French bulldog puppy. I have been dying for it to come in the shop.

If your pencil wasn't a pencil what would it be?

Hemsley and Helmsley's banana loaf with added pecans! 


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