The People Behind Papersmiths

We are coming close to our one year anniversary, can you believe it? We can't! We thought it was about time to introduce you to the people that have made us who we are! 

First up is our lovely Papersmith and coffee enthusiast, Edie. 

What do you do when you are not selling stationery? 

I'm a Creative Writing and Publishing student in Bath, so lots and lots of writing, reading, coffee, and stress-baking brownies.

What is your favourite writing utensil?

For me, you can not beat a ballpoint pen, but really nothing can. I love having my antique quill on my desk, even if it's too pretty and old to use.

What is your favourite memory involving stationery?

Having what I used to call "rainbow fingers" from using felt tips too enthusiastically for too long as a child. (I swear I don't do that anymore.)

What is your favourite magazine?

Is it too cheeky to say my own? (Orthosie - coming online soon!) Otherwise, Frankie and The Gentlewoman.

Describe your favourite dog that walks by the shop.

Cloud dog; the whitest, fluffiest dog. I saw it (gender still unconfirmed) during one of my first shifts and knew I was going to love it here. 

If your pencil wasn't a pencil what would it be? 

Judy Garland's voice.



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